As of 28 January, a new permanent urban work of art will have taken its rightful place in Leuven’s city centre. Christened Primeval Atom, the piece is a tribute to Georges Lemaître – former University of Leuven professor and father of the Big Bang Theory. It was created by the French artist Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves. Primeval Atom is an expanding work of art that occupies the entire Leuven city centre.
The new permanent urban artwork will be inaugurated on Friday, 28 January. Primeval Atom takes you on a stroll through space and time and is a magnificent, lasting tribute to Georges Lemaître and his Big Bang Theory.
This project is a city of Leuven and KU Leuven initiative, in collaboration with the non-profit association Les Nouveaux Commanditaires/De Nieuwe Opdrachtgevers and a group of committed Leuven residents. It was commissioned as part of the BANG! Big Bang City Festival. While the festival ends on 30 January, Primeval Atom will remain in Leuven as a lasting memento.
A singular work of art uniquely meant for Leuven
Denise Vandevoort, Deputy Mayor for Culture Leuven: ‘The city, in partnership with KU Leuven, wanted to leave a lasting tribute to Lemaître after the BANG! City Festival had run its course. We intentionally involved Leuven residents, which made for an exciting process and a one-of-a-kind work of art.’ Towards the end of 2019, KU[N]ST Leuven invited Leuven’s residents to help come up with an idea for a permanent urban art piece. Over 100 residents signed up to brainstorm about their city’s future artwork. Based on their input, a smaller group of 24 committed Leuven residents began their quest for the right artist. French artist Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves came out on top. She transforms scientific knowledge into sweeping poetic images that entice us to ponder our place in the universe.
D’Estienne d’Orves’ Primeval Atom alludes to the profound impact of Georges Lemaître’s ground-breaking theory. The radical nature of his theory inspired the artist to steer clear of traditional art. Instead, her concept encompasses the whole of the inner city, which, for her, is the ideal symbolic representation of our universe. A giant central medallion, representing our position on Earth – now 13.8 billion years after the Big Bang – is located on the Rector De Somerplein, right in the middle of the city. The Leuven Ring symbolises our universe’s beginning, the primeval atom or day zero. As you walk from the centre towards the ring, you travel further and further back through space and time. Every metre walked catapults you back ten million years. Along the way, you’ll encounter 80 smaller medallions representing different galaxies.
Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves explains: “Primeval Atom” is a tribute to the pioneer, Georges Lemaître, to whom we owe the Big Bang, a genesis story shared by all of humankind. Strolling the streets of Leuven, the piece beckons us to journey through the universe and time, all the way back to our common origin.”
Joris Van Damme, committed Leuven resident, adds: ‘From time to time, Primeval Atom will lift us out of our everyday affairs and concerns, reminding us to look up.’
Bart Raymaekers, Adviser to the Rector for Culture, Art and Heritage at KU Leuven, sums it up nicely: ‘This fascinating work of art perfectly captures what Leuven and its university stand for – a wider view of the world and the cosmos through creation, innovation, and transcending boundaries.’